Molly Flaherty
Assistant Professor (Davidson College)
Child Development
Is Nature vs. Nurture the Wrong Question?: Topics in Cognitive Development (Upper Level Seminar)
Developmental Research Methods
Visiting Assistant Professor (Swarthmore College)
Developmental Psychology - Course Evaluations Unedited Evaluations
Research Design and Analysis
Seminar in Developmental Psychology: Language Learning and Development - Course Evaluations Unedited Evaluations
Mini-Seminar: Research and Debate in the Age of Twitter
First-Year Seminar: Is Nature vs. Nurture the Right Question?: Topics in Cognitive Development - Course Evaluations Unedited Evaluations
Lecturer (The University of Chicago)
Is Nature vs. Nurture the Wrong Question?, Undergraduate Seminar - Course Evaluations Unedited Evaluations
Teaching Assistant
The Psychology of Decision Making (The University of Chicago)
Introduction to Developmental Psychology (The University of Chicago)
Psychological Statistics (The University of Chicago)
The Science of Psychology (Columbia University)
Teaching Awards and Professional Development
John Dewey Prize Lectureship (The University of Chicago)
Pedagogical Approaches in Psychological Science (The University of Chicago, course co-founder)
University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning Workshop and Seminar Series
Teaching in the College
Course Design
Individual Teaching Consultation